Hari Nyepi Caka 1934

Today is a once-a-year special celebration, only being held in Bali, the only place worldwide. We are having a silent day and a silent night for 24 hours.

Important Notice for Those Trying to Contact Bali Discovery Tours Over the Nyepi Holiday Period


and Bali Discovery Tours will be in suspended animation for approximately 36 –hours starting from late afternoon Bali time Thursday, March 22 until we reopen again on Saturday morning, March 24, 2012.

The closure is part of Bali’s day of absolute silence – “Nyepi” that marks the start of the Bali-Hindu New Year. Bali comes to a complete standstill: airports and seaports close, businesses shut their doors and streets are emptied.

See: Silent Day Silent Night

During this period Bali Discovery’s highly efficient reservations team will be in their homes and unable to answer holiday enquiries. Enquiries sent over this period will be securely stored and handled on Saturday morning.

Source: BaliDiscovery.com
Category:  General